This lesson will show you the CAKE tokens that can be used in an Affiliate or third party pixel.  Some values listed below (and in the Affiliate Portal) are internal CAKE values, but others are Affiliate-passed so we're simply passing back what's passed to us.

Tokens can be found in the Affiliate Portal within the Offer card's 'Testing and Tracking' Tab.  As an admin user, you have the ability to virtually login to the Affiliate Portal by clicking on the "Login" button on the Affiliate Card, and in the Affiliate Grid.

On the left-hand side, you'll see a list of tokens which can be leveraged in your pixel.

Available Tokens:

#leadid# - the conversion or lead ID auto-assigned by CAKE to each conversion
#affid# - Affiliate ID
#oid# - Offer ID
#campid# - Campaign ID
#cid# - Creative ID

#tid# - Transaction ID
#s1# - subid 1 (s1)
#s2# - subid 2 (s2)
#s3# - subid 3 (s3)
#s4# - subid 4 (s4)
#s5# - subid 5 (s5)
#price# - price

#udid# - UDID
#ip# - conversion IP
#sourceip# - click IP
#utcunixtime# - conversion time in UNIX
#sourcetime# - conversion timestamp in this format (ie. 2013-11-12T13:04:27.5670000)

Things to note:

  • s1 is reserved for passing sub affiliate IDs. There is a character limit of 50.
  • s2-s5 can be used to pass any value you like (like click ID's).  The character limit is 100 per parameter, but if you pass a value that exceeds 100 characters, the remaining characters will spill over into the next parameter. For example, if you pass a 150 character value into s2, 100 will be in s2, and the remaining 50 will be stored in s3. To receive the entire value back in your pixel, you will need to combine tokens for both parameters like this - #s2##s3#
  • Affiliate ID (#affid#), Offer ID (#oid#), Campaign ID (#campid#) and Creative ID (#cid#) are CAKE's values so it's unlikely that as an Affiliate you'll want these values passed back to you.