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DEPRECATED - [Addedit] Offer (V1) - Admin

WSDL Page:  http://<your_domain_here>/api/1/addedit.asmx?op=Offer


Parameter Summary:

api_key / STRING = Admin API Key {See get.asmx > GetAPIKey}

offer_id / INT = Offer ID [Existing ID = Edit Offer / New ID = Create Offer]

advertiser_id / INT = Advertiser ID [Existing ID = Edit Offer / New ID = Create Offer] {See export.asmx > Advertisers}

vertical_id / INT (short) = Vertical ID [Existing ID = Edit Offer / New ID = Create Offer, "0" = ALL Verticals] {See get.asmx > Verticals}

offer_name / STRING = Offer Name

third_party_name / STRING = Offer 3rd Party Name

offer_status_id / INT (unsignedByte) = Offer Status ID ["1" = Public, "2" = Private, "3" = Apply To Run, "4" = Inactive]

offer_type_id / INT (unsignedByte) = Offer Type ID ["1" = Hosted, "2" = Host-n-Post, "3" = 3rd Party]

currency_id / INT (unsignedByte) = Payout Currency ID {See get.asmx > Currencies}

ssl / BOOL = Secure Offer? ["TRUE", "FALSE"]

click_cookie_days / INT (short) = Click Cookie Days

impression_cookie_days / INT (short) = Impression Cookie Days

enable_view_thru_conversions / BOOL = Enable View Thru Conversions? ["TRUE", "FALSE"]

click_trumps_impression / BOOL = Clicks Trump Impressions? ["TRUE", "FALSE"]

disable_click_deduplication / BOOL = Disable Click Deduplication? ["TRUE", "FALSE"]

last_touch / BOOL = Last Touch? ["TRUE", "FALSE"]

enable_transaction_id_deduplication / BOOL = Enable Transaction ID Deduplication? ["TRUE", "FALSE"]

offer_contract_name / STRING = Offer Contract Name

price_format_id / INT (unsignedByte) = Price Format ID {See get.asmx > GetPriceFormats}

payout / DECIMAL = Price Paid Per Conversion

received / DECIMAL = Price Received Per Conversion

received_percentage / BOOL = Price Received Percentage? ["TRUE", "FALSE"]

offer_link / STRING = Offer Landing Page URL

thankyou_link / STRING = Thank You Link URL

offer_contract_hidden / BOOL = Offer Contract Hidden? ["TRUE", "FALSE"]

preview_link / STRING = Preview Link

offer_description / STRING = Offer Description

restrictions / STRING = Offer Restrictions

advertiser_extended_terms / STRING = Advertiser Extended Terms

testing_instructions / STRING = Testing Instructions

tags / STRING = Tags


Parameter Types:

api_key - ID

offer_id - ID / ASSIGNABLE

advertiser_id - ID / ASSIGNABLE

vertical_id - ID / ASSIGNABLE

offer_name - ASSIGNABLE

offer_status_id - ASSIGNABLE

offer_type_id - ASSIGNABLE

currency_id - ASSIGNABLE


click_cookie_days - ASSIGNABLE

impression_cookie_days - ASSIGNABLE

enable_view_thru_conversions - ASSIGNABLE

click_trumps_impression - ASSIGNABLE

disable_click_deduplication - ASSIGNABLE

last_touch - ASSIGNABLE

enable_transaction_id_deduplication - ASSIGNABLE

offer_contract_name - ASSIGNABLE

price_format_id - ASSIGNABLE


received - ASSIGNABLE

received_percentage - ASSIGNABLE

offer_link - ASSIGNABLE

thankyou_link - ASSIGNABLE

offer_contract_hidden - ASSIGNABLE

preview_link - ASSIGNABLE

offer_description - ASSIGNABLE

restrictions - ASSIGNABLE

advertiser_extended_terms - ASSIGNABLE

testing_instructions - ASSIGNABLE



Sample GET Call:,+not+sandals&advertiser_extended_terms=Must+be+a+human+to+run+Offer&testing_instructions=Use+a+fake+CC&tags=tagged


Sample XML Response:

  <message>Offer 1001468 Created</message>

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