This article will cover the following:
- What is OAuth 2.0
- How to post leads from CAKE to a CRM which requires OAuth 2.0
OAuth 2.0 is the industry-standard protocol for authorization. Modern web services will use this protocol to validate web requests are coming from a legitimate source. Typically these systems will require two separate web requests in order to submit the lead, one call to get an access token, and another web request to submit the lead information with the access token collected from the previous web request.

The Access Token is required in order to submit the lead. This endpoint is typically dedicated to receiving access tokens only. Follow the steps below to set up your access token endpoint:
- Navigate to the Buyer Contract Card
- Click on the Delivery Method Tab
- Paste the Ping URL of the Access Token Endpoint
- Click the Save button
- Click Add button in the Response Section
- Add the Text and Interpret As
- Click the Save button
- Click in the Session ID field and Map the Regex statement to match the Access Token
- Click the Save button to save changes

Once you have completed step 1 above, the delivery method will have access to use the #ping_session_id# token as a Post Header. Follow the steps below:
- Navigate to the Buyer Contract Card
- Click on the Delivery Method tab
- Paste the Post URL of the End Point that Accepts the leads and access token
- Click the Save button
- Click the Add button on the Responses tab
- Add the Text and Interpret As option
- Click Update to save changes
- Click on the Post Headers
- Click the Add button to add a post header
- Enter the Header Name
- Enter the Header value as #ping_session_id#
- Click Update to save changes