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How to Subscribe to Alerts

You've set up your alerts but don't know how to subscribe to them? It's easy - here's how.

Where to access available alerts


Once you have your contact card open, go to the ALERTS tab to see all of your available alerts.

Subscribing to alerts


Click on the checkboxes next to the alerts that you want to subscribe to and then click on the SUBSCRIBE button.
The dots under the 'Subscribed' column will be green for all alerts that you have subscribed to. You can also sort by this column to see all of your subscribed alerts displayed at the top.

* Are you a manager and want to subscribe your employees to alerts for them? You can do that too - just open up their contact card Alert tab and subscribe to the applicable alerts.

Where Affiliates Access Available Alerts


Once you've created an alert for your Affiliates, they will see a new tab to the left of their affiliate portal called "Alerts." To subscribe, they would select that tab.

How Affiliates Subscribe to Alerts


Your affiliate can then click on the checkboxes next to the alerts that they want to subscribe to and then click on the SUBSCRIBE button.
The 'Subscribed' column will show Yes or No depending on if you have or have not subscribed to that spefific alert. You can also sort by this column to see all of your subscribed alerts displayed at the top.

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