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How to Blacklist an Affiliate on an Offer


Blacklists can be found in the Advertiser Card, Offer Card and the Affiliate Card.

Blacklists on the Offer Card allows a user to redirect an Affiliate or Sub Affiliate’s traffic to 1 of 3 Redirects.
- Offer Redirect: Selecting Offer Redirect will redirect traffic to the Redirect specified on the Offer.
- Global Redirect: Selecting Global Redirect will redirect traffic to the Global Redirect set up in Tracking Settings.
- 404: Selecting 404 will redirect traffic to a 404 page as opposed to the Offer or Global Redirect.

To add a new Offer Blacklist
- From the Offer Card, click on the Traffic Tab and then the Blacklists sub navigation tab.
- Click the Add button
- Choose an Affiliate from the drop down. The Sub Affiliate field is optional and will reference Sub Affiliates directly related to the Affiliate chosen.
- The Reason and Type are required.


Blacklists set up on the Advertiser Card will show on the Offer Blacklists but can not be modified and the Blacklist will be italicized.


Double clicking on the line item will pop up a message that reads “Advertiser Blacklist” reminding the user that this Blacklist has to be modified from the Advertiser Card.

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