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Site Card

This article will cover the Site card, including the following tabs:

  • Site card > Home tab and subtab navigation
  • Site card > Creatives
  • Site card > Campaigns
  • Site card > Targeting
  • Site card > Events
  • Site card > Contracts
  • Site card > Ecommerce
  • Site card > Affiliate tab and subtab navigation
  • Site card > History

Site card > Home

The Home tab on the Site card houses several subtabs (Info, Redirect and Attribution) as well a couple buttons (Pixel and Test). The Site Card > Home subtabs document outlines all of the aforementioned tabs and buttons on the Home tab in much greater depth.


All of an Site's basic information is stored in the Info subtab:

  • Name
  • Storefront (if relevant and Ecommerce is being leveraged)
  • Site Link: the product or site's landing page
  • Confirmation Page Link: the page a user is redirected to if they click on a CAKE link again within the cookie period after converting
  • SSL: a setting used if the conversion pixel is placed upon a secure thank you page (https)
  • Default Payout: the default Affiliate payout
  • Status: Active / Inactive / Pending
  • Hidden: a setting that hides an Site from being visible in the Affiliate Portal. To be used as a 'test' or 'pause' mode.


Redirect related settings are maintained on this subtab:

  • Conversion Behavior on Redirect: what should occur to conversions that result from clicks that occurred prior to hitting cap or after the Site has met cap.
  • Expiration Date
  • Redirect Site: will be overridden by the campaign level Site redirect if one is set
  • Redirect 404: will be overridden by the campaign level Site redirect if one is set
  • Redirect Domain: if a specific redirect domain is to be used for tracking links for this Site.
  • Conversions From Whitelist Only: determines whether CAKE will only accept conversion pixels received from whitelisted IP's (set in the Advertiser tab).
  • Track Search Terms From Non-Supported Search Engine: Will capture any 'search term' from referrer URL's even from non-recognized sources.


  • Click Cookie Days
  • Impression Cookie Days
  • Click Trumps Impression
  • Last Touch: changes the attribution model for this Site from the default first touch setting to last touch which recognizes the last unique Affiliate as the conversion source.
  • Session Regeneration Seconds: see below
  • Session Regeration Type: an override of the default cookie-based attribution to recognize a manual criteria as the 'unique' identifier. For example 'IP only' will recognize all clicks from the same IP as the same user, regardless of whether they actually are.
  • Enable Transaction ID Deduplication: can be further enhanced to deduplicate transaction ID's across the entire Advertiser (but this setting must be checked on ALL relevant Sites for that Advertiser in order to accomplish this)

Site card > Creatives

Creatives are the advertising assets that you provide to affiliates for the purpose of generating traffic to their Site.  The Creative tab is going to display all creatives that have been uploaded for this Site.

In the creative grid, you will find the following columns:

  • Preview: indicated by a magnifying glass
  • Name
  • Type: Link, Image, Email or Flash (see below for more information)
  • Channels: to indicate the allowed marketing channels for this creative
  • Link Override: to be used in the event the creative has a specific redirect destination that is different than the default Site landing page. This does not apply to deep-link situations where the redirect destination is specified in the click-through URL by the traffic generating source.
  • Created: Date the creative was added.
  • Expiration: Date the creative is due to be inactivated. Anything sent to this creative past the expiration date will redirect.

Supported Creative Types

With all creative types other than a link, CAKE will automatically look for HREF links in the content of the file for the purpose of replacing them with our token for the click-through link - #url# - which will in turn be replaced by an actual tracking link for the respective partner and creative.

CAKE supports 4 different types of creatives:

Link: Simply a link that can be provided to an affiliate that will redirect to the Site link.

Email: Intended to be used in an email. Supported file types include: HTM, HTML or TXT file. In addition to the click-through link token (#url#) when third party suppression list management systems are being used, there is an additional token for unsubscribe links - #unsub#.

Image: CAKE will support any static image file type (such as a .png, .jpg, .gif) which will require the Affiliate to host and wrap with the respective click-through URL. CAKE can also support an HTML file in the event you get a coded flash creative, ad tag, or hosted creative. In this event, you may be uploading a HTML file or you may be uploading multiple files if the images are not hosted. The HTML file will be used for previews when available.

Flash: Shockwave Files (.swf) should be uploaded for this creative type.

Adding Creatives

There are two different import methods for creatives:

Add Creative: The Add Creative button is located in the Creative tab of the Site card and allows for the upload of individual creatives. This import tool supports any of the creative types.

Batch Creative Upload: The Batch Creative Upload button is also located in the Creative tab of the Site card and allows for multiple image or flash creative types to be uploaded at one time.

Click the Add Creative button and complete the Add a New Creative wizard (pictured above).

  • Site: Site will auto-populate since we are adding creatives from the Site card
  • Creative Type: Select the type of creative you want to upload
  • Status: Only a status of Active will appropriately redirect to the Site link
  • Name: Give the creative a relevant name

Once complete, click Next and Finish and the new creative card will populate.  For a separate document

Site card > Campaigns

A campaign is the 1 to 1 relationship between an Site and an affiliate sending traffic to that Site.  The Campaigns tab lists all of the affiliates that have campaigns for that Site.

Displayed in the Campaigns grid is the following:

  • Campaign: This will include contract details, price format and payout. Displayed as a hyperlink, clicking the campaign will open the Campaign card.
  • Channel
  • Source: The traffic generating source (this may be the Affiliate when relevant). If displayed as a hyperlink, clicking the source name will open the Source card.
  • Original: Indicates whether this is an original campaign - meaning a unique (or the first) campaign for that affiliate.
  • Type: Further distinguishes what channel a campaign is being run through when the channel column is vague (say, Affiliate)
  • Status: Active / Inactive / Pending
  • Delete (icon)

Additionally, there are two buttons in the upper-right corner of the grid.

  • Add Campaign: Add a campaign from this tab. Clicking this button opens the Add Campaign wizard.
  • Export: This will export the campaigns into a CSV file.

Site card > Targeting

The Targeting tab controls all allowed and non-allowed traffic for an Site. When an Site is first created, all traffic is allowed. To restrict allowed traffic to this Site, you have two options. Either Geo (country-level) targeting, or Rules targeting which includes a variety of expanded options including user agent, location (country and region), OS (operating system), device, browser, language, ISP or carrier, referrer, or URL. This also includes a very basic percentage split functionality fo A/B testing.


Geo Targeting lets you select allowed countries, redirecting all traffic from outside those countries.
  This targeting method accounts for a country-level application so if you have additional regional targeting requirements please use RULES instead of GEO. Geotargeting works as follows:

  • Users clicking on a CAKE unique link from an IP Address of an allowed country will redirect to the landing page as intended.
  • Users clicking on a CAKE unique link from an IP Address of a disallowed country will redirect to a specified GeoTargeting redirect Site if one has been added, falling back to the standard redirect strategy.

Looking at the grid:

  • Allowed countries are indicated with a green dot in the 'Allowed' column (which is sortable)
  • Disallowed countries are indicated with a red dot in the 'Allowed' column.


Like most targeting applications, you will use RULES for its flexibility.

RULES assumes that all traffic is allowed except for the conditions listed. The rules are comprised of targets, which allow you to add layers of criteria for example, location and device.

  • When a user clicks on a CAKE unique link, CAKE will evaluate every rule listed in the order it is listed, eliminating all redirect criteria.
  • Whatever remains will track on the Site the traffic was sent to.

Looking at the grid:

  • Rules are listed in the order processed.
  • Rule status is indicated by green (Active) or red (Inactive) dots in the Active column.
  • Rules can be shared among other Sites. Shared status is indicated by green (can be shared) or red (cannot be shared) dots in the Shared column.
  • The redirect destination (Site contract or Site) for that rule is listed in the Redirect column.
  • There are two icons on the right: Edit indicated by the paper and pen icon and Delete indicated by the stop-sign icon.

Site card > Events

Events are actions that occur before, after, or in place of a primary conversion or application install.  Events are created and maintained at the Advertiser level and can be activated or deactivated at the Site level per each Site that utilizes them.

For a complete overview of the setup of Events please see the Events document.

Site card > Contracts

Site Contracts are a variation of the original Site. These include different price formats, allowed countries (and possibly corresponding landing pages), device-optimized pages, or any other variation that either requires specific conditions (caps, expirations) or that you would like to report separately.

The left-hand panel lists the Site Contracts. Clicking on the SiteContract will open the Sitecontract details in the right-hand panel. SiteContracts can be edited in the right-hand panel.

For a complete overview on the setup of Site Contracts please see the Site Contracts  document.

Site card > Ecommerce

The Ecommerce tab on the Site card allows you to add Related Products as well specific Ecommerce Payout Rules.  This tab is only prevalent if you are a client who is licensing the Ecommerce side of the CAKE platform.  For a complete overview of Ecommerce and the Ecommerce tab on the Sitecard please see the Ecommerce: Admin Setup and Configuration Guide.

Site Card > Affiliate > Email

Applicable for the Affiliate channel, the Affiliate tab on the Site Card contains information relevant for third parties promoting an Site. Separated into two subtabs, the Email subtab includes any information related to Email marketing (from and subject lines, and suppression information) and other general information pertaining to the Affiliate as a reference.

The Email subtab contains information for email campaigns if applicable.

Unsubscribe Link: A user can click on the unsubscribe link to opt out of further emails regarding this Site (product or service).

Suppression List: An association to a specific unsubscribe link that can be managed directly by the Advertiser or through a third party service.

From Lines: Approved From Lines to be used for the email campaign.

Subject Lines: Approved Subject Lines to be used in the subject of the email campaign.

Affiliate > Affiliate Portal

The Affiliate Portal subtab contains additional information relevant to the affiliates who have an active campaign with this Site displayed in the Affiliate Portal.

Preview Link: A direct link to the landing page, intended to provide the Affiliate a preview of the page they are directing traffic to. This link is not intended to drive traffic to as it will not track.

SiteDescription: A space to include any details that may be beneficial for affiliates to know regarding that Site such as the conversion point and optimal audiences.

Restrictions: If the user has specific restrictions for this Site (such as allowed countries and specific payment exclusions), they can be defined here and affiliates will be able to see the text or html from their Affiliate portal in their Sitecard.

Advertiser Extended Terms: If the advertiser has specific extended terms that an affiliate must agree to or that conflict with your general terms and conditions, they can be defined in this text box.  Affiliates will see the text when accessing the campaign card, and the affiliate is required to click the "I agree to the Terms & Conditions" checkbox before being granted access to the Site. This will occur every time the conditions are changed.

Testing Instructions: Any testing instructions for this Site can be defined here and is strongly recommended if any validations are in place, if your Advertiser requires certain data entries to specify tests (sample credit card numbers, or first name = 'TEST', etc), or if there are any helpful tips or tricks to successfully submitting a test to verify the Affiliate conversion pixel fires.

Site card > History

The History tab contains an audit trail of activity pertaining to this Site.  The History tab will display a summary of the action that took place, who made the edit/change and when the edit/change was made with a date/time stamp.

Similar to all History tabs, this section also allows for notes to be saved which are searchable using the search bar.

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