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Affiliate Card

This article will cover the Affiliate Card, including the following tabs:

  • Affiliate card > Home tab and subtab navigation
  • Affiliate card > Campaigns
  • Affiliate card > SubAffiliates
  • Affiliate card > Contacts
  • Affiliate card > History

Affiliate Card > Home > Info

The Affiliate Card is where you manage all aspects related to a particular Affiliate.  

Name: This will contain the Name of the affiliate and can be changed at any time.

Status: Only Active affiliates can generate traffic to an Offer. A Pending and Inactive Affiliate's traffic will be redirected via the Redirect Strategy.

Manager: The Manager drop down will include all employees set up as an Account Manager

Website: The affiliate's website if applicable

Address: The affiliate's address


Affiliate Card > Home > Advanced

Auto Approve Campaigns: By default, this setting is disabled. If enabled, this Affiliate would be auto approved on any Offers that are Apply To Run.

Auto Approve Pixels: By default, this setting is disabled. If enabled, pixels placed by an Affiliate in the Affiliate Portal would not show in the Pending Pixels Queue.

Hide Offers: By default, this setting is disabled. If enabled, all Public and Apply To Run Offers will not show to this Affiliate in their Portal. Only Active Offers will show.

Affiliate Card > Campaigns

The Campaigns Tab on the Affiliate card shows a list of all Campaigns for this Particular Affilate (remember that the Campaign is the 1 to 1 relationship between the Offer and the Affiliate).

The Campaign list includes:

Campaign Name: This will contain the campaign's name.

Original: This will show if the campaign is an original or non-original campaign.

Type: Media Type that is primarily driving traffic (assigned when the Campaign is created)

Paid:  If the traffic is being Paid or not

Review:  If Review is enabled and showing green, it has two meanings depending on which type of offer or side of the CAKE instance you are using. For the LeadGen side, leads go directly into the Review Queue.  For the Tracking side, Conversions will be in the default Pending state when created.

Created Date:  Date the Campaign was created.

Status:  Active, Inactive and Pending

Delete Button:  You can delete a campaign by pressing the red stop button.

You can also add a Campaign by clicking the Add Campaign button and walking through the Add Campaign wizard.

Affiliate Card > SubAffiliates

The SubAffiliates tab contains a list of all Sub IDs passed through on the s1 parameter of the Affiliate’s Unique Link or any Sub IDs manually made.

ID: This is the subID name or value passed in the s1 parameter or manually created.

Date Added:  Date the first time the SubAffiliate value or name came through on this Affiliate's unique tracking link in the s1 parameter.

Paid: When green, the Paid column indicates this SubAffiliate is being paid for traffic generated.

Review:  When enabled and showing green, all traffic from this SubAffiliate is sent to either the Review Queue on the LeadGen side or on the Tracking side

Inactive: When enabled and showing green, the SubAffiliate Is inactive.

Inactive Reason: An optionally added reason for inactivating the SubAffiliate.

You can manually add a SubAffiliate by clicking the Add SubAffiliate button.

You can also export all SubAffiliate IDs by clicking the Export button.

Affiliate Card > Contacts

The Contacts tab contains all of the contacts for this particular Affiliate. You can add additional contacts by clicking on the Add Contact button and walking through the wizard. You can also export all Contacts by clicking the Export button.

Affiliate Card > History

The History tab contains the Notes section and a running history of changes to the Affiliate card.

Export:  You can export the History log into a CSV document.

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