This document will walk you through creating and editing Custom Views which allow you to edit and customize reports to best fit your needs.
Viewing Reports
To get started, access a report by:
1.) Selecting the appropriate main tab at the top of the screen(Advertiser, Affiliate, etc.)
2.) Choosing Reports on the left menu and
3.) Clicking the report you want to view
Once the report is selected, you'll see it appear in the bottom-half of the screen. To bring the report to full screen view, simply click the expansion button at the top of the report:
Customizing Reports
Now that the report is in full view, you'll see that the Edit View icon has appeared in the top righthand corner of the screen. Click that icon to get started with customizing your report view.
With the Edit View card now open, there are several customizations you can do:
Remove Columns:
To remove a column from a report, simply uncheck the box under the Display column in the righthand portion of the Edit View Card. As soon as you uncheck the Display checkbox, the report column is removed.
Reorder Columns:
If you want columns to show up in a different order in the report, you can reorder them by clicking and holding the Reorder Icon to the left of the label and dragging the label to the position that you want.
Rename Columns:
To rename a column heading, double-click on the label in the column list and change to what you want. Once complete, click Done and the column will reflect the new name.
Sort Report by Specific Column (Ascending and Descending):
If you'd like to have the report sort by a specific column, click to the far right of the column label and you'll see a green arrow appear. If you'd like the report to sort ascending, click the arrow until it points up and if you'd like the column to sort descending, click until the arrow points down.
Set a Default Date Range:
If you would like to set a default date range for the report, you can do so by setting the Date Range dropdown to one of the preset ranges or you can set a specific start and end date. NOTE: by setting a specific date, the report will always show results for this date range by default until you change the date.
Resize Columns:
If you need to extend or shrink a column due to the length of the data in the column, you can edit the column size by clicking the Edit View icon in the top righthand corner of the report. Next, hover over the right edge of the column heading in the report that you want to edit. You will see an arrow appear. At that point, click and hold then drag the column edge to the right or left to expand or shrink the column.
Creating/Saving a New Custom View:
Once you have your report customized the way you want, you can save the view as a Custom View. Click the Edit View icon in the top righthand corner of the report to get the Edit View card. Now, click the Create New View button to save your report. The Create New View card will now appear. Fill in the details of your new view and click Save.
View Name: What your custom report view will be named.
Make Default: This will make this view the default view any time you view the report you are applying it to. This is not recommended as if it is selected, this view is what you'll see every time you view this report.
Shared: If shared, this view will be available to all users of your instance. If not shared, you will be the only user who can view utilize this view.
Export All Fields: This will cause hidden fields to be included when this report is exported. If unchecked, only the visible fields will be exported.
Report Width: This allows you to set a custom width for the report. Reports can have a width between 1,000 - 4,000 pixels.
Add a Custom Column:
You have the ability to add a custom column where you can perform calculations on values from other columns within the report. To do that, start by clicking the Edit View button. Next, in the Edit View card, click the Add Column button which will result in a new column line. Enter the name of the column you want to create and click Done.
After clicking Done, the column will be created and the Formula card will appear where you'll enter the formula to calculate the new value. Once you have the formula entered, click Save. Next, in the Edit View card, click Update View to see the results in your report.
Now that your custom column is in effect, you are ready to view your report with your custom value. However, if you ever need to change your formula, click the Edit View button then find your custom column in the column list on the far right. You'll see that to the right of your custom column, there will be an Edit icon. Click that icon and the Formula card will appear where you can update your formula. Once done, click save and in the Edit View card, click Update View to see the results in your report.