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CAKE Basic Buyer Filter Types

This lesson will walk you through what filters are (in relation to Buyers), where to create filters, and where to apply your filters.

What are Filters?

Filters are buyer specific requirements for leads. You have the ability to filter IN leads to sell to buyers, and to filter OUT leads to not sell to buyers. An example would be Minimum Debt Amount. If you have a Buyer that will only purchase leads if their Debt Amount is $50,000 or more, then you can create that filter, and apply it to that specific Buyer Contract. Filters are based off specific fields from your Vertical. Whatever number comes in for a particular field can have a filter.

Where to Create Filters:

Filters are created by going to your main Set Up tab, then the sub tab for Filter Types. In the screen shot above, you can see some examples of filters.

Filter Type Name: This is what you want the Filter to be called, and how it will show to you when you're selecting filters on your Buyer Contract.

Lead Field: This is the field from your Vertical, that you want CAKE Basic to look at when filtering the leads. Ex: if your filter is set for the Minimum Debt Amount, you will want CAKE Basic to look at the number that came in on the loan amount field when the lead was posted in.

Operator: The operator is the operation you want CAKE Basic to perform. For example: if your filter was for Minimum Debt Amount, your operator would be "greater than or equal to." You can then say the Minimum Debt Amount has to be Equal to or Greater Than $50,000.

-Note that you have Operator options for Numbers, Lists and Strings. This will refer to your field on the Vertical, and what type of field you're collecting.

To add a Filter, click Add in the top right corner. From there, simply type in the name of your Filter, select your lead field from the drop down (keeping in mind this will be seperated out per Vertical), and select your Operator before clicking Update.

Applying Filters to your Buyer Contracts:

On your Buyer Contract card, you will see a Filters tab. From the Filters tab is where you can assign your newly made filters to this particular Buyer Contract. To add a filter, click the add button. From there, you will see a dropdown containing all of your available filters. To the right of the dropdown, you will see a textbox to add your Values. The Values will be what you want CAKE Basic to look for when filtering in and out leads for this Buyer Contract.

To the right, you can see a Zip/Distance Filter. In this section, you can type in a zip code, and a distance from that zipcode that this Buyer Contract can purchase leads from. In the example above, this Buyer Contract will only buy leads if they come from within 50 miles of 92663. CAKE Basic will look at the zip code field when making this decision.

Applying Filters to your Buyer Contracts (part 2):

In the example above, you can see one filter that will filter IN leads to sell to this Buyer Contract, and one example to filter OUT leads.

Contains State: The above example shows that this Buyer Contract can only accept leads that are coming from California, Oregon or Texas. One important thing to note is that these values are pipe separated. Pipe = | *Be sure to always pipe separate when adding values.

Does Not Contain State: The above example shows that this Buyer Contract will not purchase leads that are coming from New Jersey, New York or Maryland. Again, all values are pipe separated.

Important note: The leads coming in will have to match ALL filters, including the Zip/Distance Filter. In the above example, even if a lead came in from one of the allowed states, only leads ALSO within 50 miles of 92663 will be sent to this Buyer Contract.


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