This lesson will out line the work flow cupCAKE defines, in the UI(User Interface) depicted by bread crumbs. Breadcrumbs or breadcrumb trail is a navigation tool used to help navigate around the cupCAKE User Interface.
Bread Crumbs
This diagram depicts the available breadcrumbs at each level.
Note: Breadcrumbs can go up a level but not down.
Advertiser Card
At the Advertiser Card level you can
Offer Card
With breadcrumbs you can access the Vertical, and Advertiser Card can easily be accessed directly from the Offer Card by clicking on the entity name.
Creative Card
At the Creative card level, you can acess the Offer this Creative belongs to.
Affiliate Card
At the Affiliate card level, you can access the Account Mangers contact card. This can be useful, when needing to notify a colleague about their account.
SubAffiliate Card
At the SubAffiliate level, you can access the Affiliate that this SubAffiliate is tied to. By nature SubAffiliates are a "Child" to the Affiliate, this inherit Parent/Child relationship is used to better identify traffic sources.